Saturday, January 31, 2009

In the beginning

Hey Guys,
My names Kate, im 17, capricorn and in a relationship with a boy whom i love and whom makes me extremely happy.
I just finished my first week of year 12... and would have to have been the most boring three days ever. I cant believe im saying this but i actually would prefered to do work then to sit there listening to them blubber on about the same thing, time after time, after time.

I have a job at the local IGA, sometimes its alright, depending whos on, but i get really sick of talking to people, and having to be friendly to the rude ****'s who come in. Im sorry to swear, i dont really like to, but i just get so frustrated with rude customers, i mean who are they to be rude, they have no right, their not the ones who have been standing there for hours serving person after person, its not our fault if somethings scanning wrong or out of stock, all us as cashiers do is put the food through the check out for gods sake!!!!!

well thats all i have to say for the moment,
shall write soon

xox kate

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